2022 Message: Year of Expansion

We are delighted to bring you the MOGF annual report for the year 2022.

Despite the challenges faced this year, we continued to place tremendous strain on humanitarian outreach and we’ve been truly inspired by how staff and volunteers made such a magnificent personal commitment to make a difference during these challenging times and are proud that MOGF and partners have been able to play a key role in supporting widows, orphans, the less privileged, the elderly and patients during this period.

We would particularly like to express our appreciation and gratitude to our donors whose contributions greatly enabled us to run our goals this year.

One of our key aims was to provide medical assistance and have a wider Back to School program and this report provides some excellent cases of how we succeeded in these areas. We hope you enjoy reading them.

It is fair to say that the past 12 months have enabled us to have a period of reflection and renewed appreciation of the MOGF. We remain committed to developing our relationships with new communities to ensure that we continue to work collaboratively to promote humanitarian interests in the years ahead.

~Veronique Njotu Atanga


2021 Message: Amplifying Our Message