Financial Liberation for Widows

I usually work along side social workers to provide psychosocial support to some widows. As stated above in some tribes in Cameroon, traditional laws override national law. This implies that in some cases the women are so entrenched in their traditional beliefs that they even refuse to go for litigation if the need arises. To them they rely on their in laws decisions for their life after the death of their husbands which generally do not favorable to them. These cases are provided with psycho social support.

-M.O.G.F Adviser, Dr. Beatrice Ambang Ndoping


With the general low financial status, Mom-orphanage pro encourages widows to be pro active and generating income to alleviate poverty. I work with these women to identify income generating activities and other projects. In the past, they have been involved in the following activities which I coordinated:

  • Broiler production targeting the festive periods in the North West Region of Cameroon: I provide then with technical advice and direct them in the process of production and marketing of broiler chickens.

  • The widows will undertake craft - skilled activities like small scale poultry farming, market gardening, soap making, dyeing of cloths etc . to empower them to be self sustaining and to take care of themselves and their orphan kids.

  • A factory would eventually be built for the project participants to work and earn a living.

  • Group farming for income generation: The women are divided into sub group;  they work on peoples farms on contract basis after which they are paid. This includes tilling the soil, planting, sometimes mulching and harvesting.  This activity is kind of restricted to the farming season.  I help identify the customers who need assistance on their farms


From Orphanage to University


Message From the Bamenda Women’s Group President